Evicted Heartbreak.
No one said it would be easy. To open your heart again for the one you want to be your significant other. You spent so much time on the last individual you keep thinking “Should I try this thing again called love.” See life can give you unexpected prizes when you’re not in search for one. One minute you’re putting all the unwanted memories in the duffle bag you left at his house because it was indeed your safety net. Resuming into just becoming more comfortable with the fact that you are alone in your white painted walls known as your home. You think to yourself “What did I ever do so wrong that this had to happen.” Many know you can’t train the one you love to be the one for you. You may think he’s the one but no one is ever really the one. People come and go out of your life for experience reasons. They teach you how to become a better you a molding process I call it. Some better than others but still a learning experience. So, as you sit there feeling like nothing matters because you thought “The one that got away” Truly got away. Never settle for the one that didn’t want to put the time nor effort. You can’t paint a love that was actually never real. Sad thing is it’s not the thought of going through the motion of a break up, it’s the part of getting over it and trusting another soul to not hurt you again.