QueenSubmissive intermission, forgive me if I come off encrypted. I apologize for nothing. Not the hands I bent to learn the trade. Or the men...
Subjective Invoid: Silenced Humor.Close mouths don’t get fed. Neither is being deprived of oxygen surrounded by others who seize to know my existence. They eyes of mine...
Numinous Yen.Words of another captivate the broken souls. She goes around the searching for a significant other to the point she might settle for less...
Intricate AllusionSilent nights, overpowering imaginations thinking while being in despair holding fragments standing between the process of hanging on, or...
Pique D'USSÉBreed beneath the lies hold onto every word spiritually remembering what has got me to this point. Breaking barriers that have held back...
A piece to the PorcelainSo, what do you say to me after destroying my pride? The one you use to look to after going through a major crisis. The one who will...
Conflicted CounterfeitYou could freeze time and I still wouldn’t have enough time to explain to you what exactly is wrong. To sum up I am done. With you, the...